Sunday Morning Coffee

Sunday morning I usually grab a coffee and take time to catch-up on some stories I may not have had time to read throughout the week.  I thought you might enjoy them with your Sunday morning coffee as well.

Finding Frenchy’s, a journey to the heart of the second-hand phenomenon

As an avid Frenchy’s shopper, I really enjoyed this piece. I had heard snippets of the store’s history, but this gives you details of the beginnings and the bumpy road to the different Frenchy’s that are around today.

Perhaps it’s simply that towns you’d otherwise breeze past are now worth a stop, in the name of finding a deal. Perhaps it’s because driving to Frenchy’s almost guarantees taking the scenic route to your destination. Or perhaps these weird mini-meccas of designer names at discount prices—and the fact that they not only exist in towns that should be too small to sustain them but continue with an air of intention—offers the perfect metaphor for the survivalist narrative of Nova Scotia

Sunday Morning Coffee
Photo by Ian Selig

Click here to read the complete story from The Coast.

We Don’t Buy Things with Money, We Buy Them with Hours from our Life


Speaking of money and how we spend it, this was an interesting article. We often break down our spending like this in our house, and I’ve heard others do the same.

Do you consider purchases with how many hours/days you would have to work?

You Could Work Here

Automotive Service Support

O’Regan’s in Bridgewater is looking for someone who’s well-organized and reliable, excellent customer service skills, and who’s computer savvy to join their team in an Automotive Service Support position.

If you are a hard-working professional that provides excellent customer service and has good automotive industry knowledge, then this is the position for you.


You Could Live Here!

76 Coveview Rd Parkdale

Imagine spending the morning out on the water…maybe doing a little fishing or visiting your lake neighbours. You come back, tie up to the dock and wait for your weekend guests to arrive. You get dinner started, in your custom kitchen with natural stone countertops, and your friends join you at the island. After dinner, you head outside for a bonfire and some star-gazing. Your friends head up to the guest suite in the loft, complete with a 3-piece bath and everyone is already talking about Sunday brunch and coffee.

This beautiful home, in a sheltered deep water cove, on a private year-round road, could be where you’ve been dreaming of spending your days. Summer is coming…you could live here. 🙂

Enjoy the day!

Sunday Morning Coffee is sponsored by PropertyGuys.Com,  North America’s largest, and fastest growing private sale real estate network. PropertyGuys.Com helps you attract more buyers, sell faster for more money and show on your own terms.



About Jennifer

Jennifer Naugler is the owner of Simple Local Life Media. When she's not working, she enjoys cooking, gardening, visiting farm markets and thrift stores and spending time with her family. Coffee is life.


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