Meal Planning Made Easy with Sam’s No Frills

Can you feel it? That little change in the air? The reaching for the sweater in the evening. The SCHOOL SUPPLIES on the shelves!  September is just around the corner and with it, the return to homework, games and practices. For a lot of us, it marks a return to a busy, scheduled life. For …

Fresh Cuts Friday with Fresh Cuts Market- July 21

What a week! The sun is shining, the beach is calling and the evenings just beg for you to sit outside sipping on something cool. Summer in Nova Scotia can be glorious and we are deep into the summer season right now. I love it! Wait…what’s that? Oh, it’s just the kids/spouse/partner…asking what’s for supper….AGAIN! …

Haskap Jam-Haskap Strawberry Freezer Jam

Nothing says summer to me like jars of jam cooling on the counter. Then after they are set, enjoying that jam on a warm biscuit, toast, or in a classic PB&J sandwich. I love-making jam and my daughter mentioned the other day that she doesn’t remember ever eating jam from a store. The family favorite …

Fresh Cuts Friday at Fresh Cuts Market- July 7

Summer to me has a feeling. This week has “felt” like summer. Sunny, warm days and late evenings just call out to you. We need to take full advantage of these as we all know how fleeting it can be. So, the last thing you want to do is waste time figuring out what to …

Summer Pantry Stock-Up List

It’s summer, the birds are singing, the sun is shining and it looks like another glorious day. Want to invite someone over for a barbecue? Heading off to a pool party? No problem, you think… I’ll just throw together my favorite summer salad and we’re good to go…except wait…I don’t have all the stuff I …

Barbecued Chicken- Tastes like Summer

Summer to me means barbecue. I enjoy cooking outside while the sun is shining and the birds are singing, not to mention the lack of dishes to wash! I love just about anything barbecued from burgers and hot dogs, to roasted veggies and potatoes, but my absolute favourite; barbecued chicken – tastes like summer to …

Fresh Cuts Friday- April 13th 2017

We all know I love talking meal planning and have even recently done a freezer meal plan and talked about how to prepare for that. I am really excited to announce that Meal Plan Mondays are continuing here on Simple Local Life, but are shifting to Fresh Cuts Friday!! Fresh Cuts Market is located on …

Say Hello to “Hello Fresh”

We all know I like to talk meal planning and how to make that work for your family. There are many different ways to tackle meal planning and trying to get a healthy meal on the table each night. What if the ingredients and recipes were delivered…like right to your door? I’d like for you …

How to Organize a Freezer Meal Cook Day

What are you having for dinner tonight? How about tomorrow? What’s the plan for the next day when you’re working late and the kids all have to be in different places? Sound familiar? This is the all too common reality facing so many people each week. The never-ending question…”what’s for supper?” You know what helps? …

Meal Plan Monday- Freezer Meals

Well, I had quite the weekend! There was some cooking, some relaxation and some big firsts. I have been feeling a bit unmotivated lately when it comes to cooking…mostly…I am tired of it. I enjoy cooking, but there are times I just feel I need a little break. I may have mentioned to the kids …