How you can help local businesses while social distancing

This time last week we were all preparing for March Break activities, day trips, get togethers and so on. It is incredible how things have changed so quickly over the last few days, with more changes expected to happen. COVID-19 and social distancing are now a regular part of our vocabulary and are on everyones minds, especially the minds of small business owners who rely on us shopping, dining and enjoying a day out. The South Shore is home to many of these small businesses, ones that are always there for us, so let’s look at some ways that we can be there for them. Here’s how you can help local businesses while social distancing.

*please note that at the time of publication public places/spaces are still open

How to help local businesses while social distancing

Shop Local

If you have essentials you need to pick up, and have to make a run into town, think about buying your bread from the local bakeries, coffee direct from roasters or coffee shops and produce from farm markets.

Juliens Bakery in Chester will be offering “next day” delivery for those self-isolating or stuck at home. Five Girls Bakery in Liverpool is open and will be offering delivery soon to elderly, unwell and those self-isolating. Boulangerie La Vendéenne in Mahone Bay are open and encouraging you to pre-order to make sure you get what you need and to shorten your time in the shop. Check you go to bakery’s Facebook pages for offers of ordering ahead of time, or local delivery.

Grab a bag of coffee beans from your favourite coffee house, The Barn , Shop on the Corner and The Port Grocer all carry your favourite brands, or stop by Quest Coffee Roasters in Bridgewater. More of a tea person, The Tea Brewery in Mahone Bay has you covered with their incredible selection of blends. Both the Tea Brewery and Quest offer online shopping options. Again check you favourite places websites and Facebook pages for updated information.

Consider local for your produce as well. Some farmers markets, like the Lunenburg Farmers Market are still operating on Thursday mornings. Please note with new Provincial restrictions in place the market is closed. They are currently working on an online ordering solution. Check their FaceBook page for updates. You can also contact your favourite vendors directly to make other arrangements. All vendor contact information is on their Website.

Indian Garden Farms in Bridgewater is open with Farmer Glens produce. Do you have a local producer that you buy frequently buy from? Reach and see if they offer delivery, or will take orders over phone. Wile’s Lake Farm Market is set to open on April 1st, with their homemade bread, rolls, and meals from their market kitchen.

Order Take-Out

Local restaurants like Lane’s Privateer Inn, Old Black Forest Cafe and the The Gold Bean Cafe are offering Take-Out. Peasant’s Pantry has take-away as well as local deli items for sale. The Biscuit Eater Cafe & Bookstore is offering take-out and limited delivery options in Mahone Bay & Lunenburg. They are also offering a sliding scale pricing to help those in need. LaHave Bakery in Mahone Bay, along with take-out sandwiches, has a range of freezer meals, grab a couple and enjoy over the next few weeks. Check your favourite spots website or Facebook page and see what they are offering.

Shop Online

Did you have a girls day planned over the March Break? Why not take a virtual stroll through your favourite little town? Almost all of you favourite shops have websites, stop in and say “hi” while looking for birthday presents, Easter treats or just something to cheer yourself up. A few shops, Like Dots & Loops, are offering delivery to your car. This is one way you can help local businesses while Social Distancing.

Buy Gift Certificates

Visit your favourite little shop, restaurant, spa or salon and buy a gift certificate for future use. Most businesses you can do this online, or pop in while you still can. Help support them at this uncertain time, and look forward to getting out when our lives have returned to normal.

Lend a hand and help others

If you are planning and willing to go out for some necessities, and can afford it, think about picking up some extra non-perishable goods and donate to your local Food Bank. Most local grocery stores have a deposit box that you can use, or consider making a monetary donation. Check in with your elderly neighbours and family, and offer to pick up any essentials food or prescriptions that they may need.

These are just a few ways to help your local businesses while social distancing

These are uncertain times, with information coming at us from all directions. We would encourage you to focus on Government websites and announcements, Municipal, Provincial and Federal for up to date information.

As you know we love the South Shore and all that happens here. We want you all to be safe, do what you need to do to take care of yourself and family. We can still go outside, go for a walk, work in your garden, get fresh air and work together. It’s an unsettling time for many, but we are a hardy, helpful bunch, who will rise to the occasion and do what is necessary to protect us all.

*Please check out our post on South Shore businesses offering online, delivery and alternative options. If you know of such a business that should be included, please send us an email at