Fresh Cuts Friday with Fresh Cuts Market- July 21

What a week! The sun is shining, the beach is calling and the evenings just beg for you to sit outside sipping on something cool. Summer in Nova Scotia can be glorious and we are deep into the summer season right now. I love it! Wait…what’s that? Oh, it’s just the kids/spouse/partner…asking what’s for supper….AGAIN! Seriously…do we really need to eat every day? Reality check… we do…even in the dog days of summer. 😉

The weekend is coming and you don’t want to be running out for last-minute items. With some meal planning and a quick trip to Fresh Cuts Market, you can be all set to enjoy every minute of this July weekend. Fire up the barbecue, throw together a fresh salad, invite some friends over and relax….supper will be ready in no time. 🙂

Here’s what we’re having:

Barbecued Pork Chops, Roasted Potatoes and Strawberry Spinach Salad with Blueberries

Barbecued Chuck Eye Grilling Steak, Potatoes on the Barbecue and Steamed Broccoli

Pan-Fried Haddock, Corn and Bean Salad and Sliced Cucumber

Chicken and Grape Salad

Cheddar Smokies with left over Corn and Bean Salad

Here’s what I bought:

Spinach- $2.97
Strawberries- $1.77
Blueberries- $2.97
10 lbs Potatoes- $4.47
Broccoli- (2)- $0.97= $1.94
Boneless Chuck Eye Grilling Steak- ($5.47/lb) $10.48
Family Pack Pork Loin Chops- ($2.77/lb) $4.23
Haddock- ($4.97/lb) $6.60
Cherry Tomatoes- $1.97
Celery- $2.97
Red Pepper- $1.72
Parsley- $1.29
Boneless, skinless Chicken Breasts- $7.60
Red, seedless grapes- $0.81
English Cucumbers- (2) $1.47= $2.94
Cheddar Smokies- $5.77
Ben’s Hot Dog Buns- $2.67

Total spent: $63.17

A couple of notes about this week’s meal plan:

* The Haddock wasn’t in when I did my shop (I prep for this on Thursdays) so I used the price from the last meal plan when I bought the Haddock. $4.97/lb is their everyday price for Fresh Haddock

*The bag of potatoes didn’t make the pic…the heat must have been getting to me…just a slip up on my part. 😉

*The Corn and Bean Salad keeps for several days and makes a good size batch, so that will do us for 2 meals

I have planned 5 meals out this week with lots of barbecued items and some quick and easy salads to throw together. Summer meals should be care-free with minimal fuss. With a few pantry items, this week we are having barbecued steak and pork chops, haddock and salads with fresh berries and vegetables…all for $63.17. Real food on a budget is possible with a plan and Fresh Cuts Market.

Fresh Cuts Market is located at 1101 King St in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia and are open 7 days a week from 9:00am-8:00pm.

*This post is sponsored by Fresh Cuts Market but all opinions are my own.

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About Jennifer

Jennifer Naugler is the owner of Simple Local Life Media. When she's not working, she enjoys cooking, gardening, visiting farm markets and thrift stores and spending time with her family. Coffee is life.