What Worked for Me in 2016

2016…feels like one of the years we will be looking back on and talking about, feeling like we just “got through it”. It seems like its been a rough year for a lot of people personally, and globally it seems like we are facing a lot of uncertainty. I felt the struggle along with a lot of people. I’ve had a number of personal challenges this year, but I thought I would push the negative aside and talk a bit about some of the things that worked for me. These are things I’ll be looking to carry forward into the new year as I embrace the practical and the positives.

So here’s a few of the things that worked for me in 2106…

Listening to Podcasts


I love podcasts! I get so much enjoyment out of listening to them. I mostly listen to them while I am working in the kitchen, driving to the city or out for a walk. I think I first got started with the Serial podcast, and after that I was completely hooked. There is a giant world of podcasts just waiting to be listened to, but currently on my favourites list are The Slow Home Podcast, Under the Influence, Food Blogger Pro, and of course Halifax’s own Sickboy. All of these podcasts leave me more knowledgeable, inspired and entertained. I got a new Sony SRSX2 Ultra-Portable NFC Bluetooth Wireless Speaker (Black) for Christmas which is making listening to podcasts in my kitchen…or anywhere in the house… more enjoyable than ever! How did I live this long without it? Do you listen to podcasts? I’d love to hear your favourites.

Making time for Friends


Well, 2016 brought a major health scare for one my best friends who was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Watching her go through treatments and this “journey”, has been one of the hardest parts of this past year. It certainly puts things into perspective and makes you think about that Big Picture stuff…like what do you want out of your life? For me personally, I am always happier when I make time for social connections and that usually comes from spending time with friends. I think women in particular need that connection…and I mean lets face it…most of us like to talk. πŸ˜‰ Making time for friends…even when I might have felt I didn’t have the time…is almost always worth it. Earlier this year I wrote about a Simple Celebration…Friday Night Chips and Dip Club, which embraces this thinking…and my love of chips. πŸ˜‰

Listening to my Gut when it comes to Parenting


This was a big year in our parenting journey of 18+ years. The highlight was seeing our two oldest children, b/g twins, graduate high school. Those years between placing them on a bus for the first time and watching them walk across a graduation stage..are nothing short of a blink. Earlier this year I wrote a post called “So They’re 18…Now What?” that describes some of my feelings. There are so many parenting decisions that had me thinking, “I don’t know what to do!!!…” and I still have those, even now that they are 18… but I find going with my gut has served me fairly well. There are usually no right or wrong answers and each child you have is different and comes with their own personality and ways, but you usually know what’s best for each child.

My daughter has struggled this past fall with going to school and being away from home. She moved into her own apartment and is a little over an hour away. She doesn’t love it. There’s been a lot of rough weeks and a lot of me not knowing what to do. Pushing her to continue and see it through is not easy, but my gut is telling me I know she can do it. It’s a one week at a time approach with us offering different supports along the way, but letting her know that we are here and believe in her. Having her successfully finish her first semester felt like a major win for all of us, and helped me confirm that a lot of parenting is winging it and going with your gut. * See the above “Making Time for Friends” …having friends to talk through some of this stuff through..is invaluable. You need a tribe/squad/besties…or, I do anyway.

Being Conscious of How I Spend my Money


I’ve always been a fairly practical person when it comes to money. I’m not big on labels, big purchases, etc. However in the past few years my thinking has really shifted to the “things” I spend money on. I’ve been reading a fair number of Minimalism type blogs and watched Minimalism- A Documentary about the Important Things, this fall. It all confirms that we are a society that values consumerism. The very things we think we “want” can start to weigh us down as forms of clutter and excess. My thinking continues to see the value of committing my dollars locally and to investing in well-made sustainable products. The environmental impact of the throw away world we live in is huge. Being aware and thinking thoughtfully about what I am purchasing has worked well for me…but there’s always more to be done.

Meal Planning


I’ve always been a meal planner but there are certain times of the year that I am more committed to it. Definitely during peak sporting seasons when there are lots of practices and games and healthy meals are crucial and need to be prepared ahead. Meal planning works for everyone regardless of your family situation. We all need to eat 3x/day and being conscious of what we are eating and when, makes your week go so much smoother. Once you become committed to meal planning, just taking a week off, makes me feel out of control. I have no idea how…or why…so many people go week after week without planning. Meal planning continues to work for me and my family. My Meal Plan Monday posts are among the most popular on my blog, and they will continue in 2017. You can look back on How to Make a Meal Plan and Change Your Life if you’re wondering how to get started.

Blogging Consistently


I started Simple Local Life a little over a year ago. My plan was to blog for a year and see what I thought. I slowed down a fair bit in June and the summer months just due to life, etc, but recommitted to blogging consistently each week, the last several months, and I think it is starting to pay off. My reach and numbers continue to rise and I have received some incredibly kind feedback. In November I reflected on my past year and published a post called What I Learned my First Year of Blogging. I really enjoyed supporting our local community and publishing the Holiday Gift Guides which were very well received and I would rate as a success! I have some big plans for the blog for 2017 and want to thank each of you who read, share, comment…it really means a lot and helps me continue with this little project that I love.

A new year is upon us, and it is a gift each day that we have here on earth, even though it may not obvious to us at the time. I love the fresh feel of a new year and plan to continue to build on my list of what works for me. I would love to hear what worked for you in 2016, or of any big changes planned for 2017?

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About Jennifer

Jennifer Naugler is the owner of Simple Local Life Media. When she's not working, she enjoys cooking, gardening, visiting farm markets and thrift stores and spending time with her family. Coffee is life.


  1. Avatar photo
    Margaret Campbell

    Life long learning! Enjoy your reflections and Common sense …..
    The recipes are great fun and practical. You should be teaching in junior high school . Our daughter spent her first year at Sherrif Hall. The transition prepared for a shared apartment with a friends with whom has become a life long special friendship. Young woman are amazingly resilient …
    Budgeting is another matter! Without life skills understanding dollar values can be dangerous …. In Australia family budgeting is an integral part of the curriculum ….happy new year to your and yours! CheersπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

  2. Avatar photo
    Karen Bears

    I love everything about this post, Jen! ❀️ Clearly we are in the same camp on most things. My big struggle has always been meals – planning, shopping, doing. I hate the kitchen so much, I think I unconsciously avoid anything to do with it. 😜 You I did introduce me to some great podcasts that I usually just listen to in the car. Maybe if I turned it on while cooking, I could get through. Lol

  3. Avatar photo

    Congratulations on your dedication to the year’s work blogging. I enjoyed it all and with all the stuff that crosses my “Inbox” I never miss reading it.

  4. Avatar photo

    Congratulations on your first year of blogging I hope you will continue, I love reading each week :-). Next year if you need a work -at-home -party for more than one give me a call πŸ˜‰

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